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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Super Troopers - A viewing blog

Yesterday during Monday Night Football my friend Kyle made a Super Troopers joke.  I did not get it and told him as much, since I have never seen the movie.  Now I don't think that not having seen super troopers is anything like not having seen Anchor Man but he DEMANDED that I watch it.

So here I am.  Watching super troopers.  So far the only thing of note is that this is a "Jersey Shore Production"  I wonder how this company feels about the horrible show that now exists.

1. This movie should be the official movie of Movember.  WHO WANTS A MOUSTACHE RIDE????

2. The line "Bear-Fucker do you need assistance?" made this movie worth watching.

3. This movie would be awesome if one were to be stoned.

4.  I think I've actually seen this movie before.  I've done this once before.  The movie Serenity which is the movie that culminates the show Firefly.  I somehow thought I had never seen it.  That was untrue.  I realized about half way through that I knew the plot and that I had in fact seen it.  Same thing with this one.  But I remember even less of this one.

Final Verdict: This movie was decent.  I recommend it to people who are really high, from Vermont, make maple syrup or anyone participating in Movember.

1 comment:

  1. The opening to the film is probably all you need to see (ending with the stoner's being asked, "DO YOU BOY'S LIKE MEXIICOOOO!"). Being from Vermont it was funny to see the portrayal of the Vermont State Troopers. I would agree that this movie has been done before but not in a VT setting, so it is refreshing to see a comedy from my home state.
    If you happen to be one of my friends from home you have all seen this movie and quoted it about a dozen times or more. Therefore you're likely to be out of the loop if you haven't viewed Super Troopers.
    PS. My mother likes the humor in this film...

    Great blog Ryan
