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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sitcoms Part 1 - Rethinking the Rankings

When I woke up this morning I thought I had this list down.  I have been watching sitcoms for the past few weeks trying to decide how to rank the current comedic state of affairs on Network television.  I have laughed, I have been bored, I have been annoyed at how far certain shows I loved have fallen.  I have been amused at slapstick and satire, animation and arguments.  And after all of this I thought I was ready to make a verdict.  This morning I watched an episode of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia and last night's HIMYM to get myself prepped for this entry.  And everything changed.  But lets go back to how this all started...

Kids, in the fall of 2010 I was enrolled at the Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph.  I was living on a student's budget and could not afford cable.  I watched all my shows via downloads and Rogers On Demand Online.  It was actually quite perfect for me.  With a fairly heavy workload from my classes, it wasn't easy to watch shows when they aired.  So with Rogers On Demand Online and the occasional torrent  I could enjoy my shows when and how I wanted.

I started blogging and writing so that the world could be improved by my opinions.  It was a great time.

One day while sitting alone in my kitchen and laughing out loud at "Troy and Abed in the Morning" and the hilarity that is Community I posted on Facebook that Community was the best sitcom right now.  I had read some interesting things online about the subtle humour of the show and started to look for it while watching.  I really enjoyed what I was seeing and it enhanced a show that I already thoroughly enjoyed.  But somehow this post started something major.  It was as though the entire social network jumped on my words.

This is what I wrote:
"Community is the best sit-com right now.  Sorry HIMYM but Neil Patrick Harris can only carry you so far."

The responses were immediate.  3 Likes, 9 comments and people were only partially in agreement.  

There was some support for Community.  

A huge fuck you to HIMYM:

"HIMYM blows :P
NPH is moderately cool.
It's all about Breaking Bad, 30 Rock, True Blood, and that new one from David Simon"

That person clearly missed the point.  30 rock is the only Sitcom on his list.  Treme is nowhere near a Sitcom, I've never seen True Blood but I'm sure its not a Sitcom and Breaking Bad is nowhere near it.

Modern Family received a couple votes of confidence and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia seems to have a large fan base, at least amongst my highschool friends.

I think now is as good a time as any to address Sunny in Philli.  I'll start by telling you how I started watching this show.  My girlfriend had it on DVD, I had heard about it and suggested we watch.  It was fucking hilarious.  "The gang goes Jihad" is an amazing episode.  I laughed so hard.  I don't think I have laughed that hard since highschool.  I was literally buckling over and falling off the couch.  My stomach hurt and the end because my abs had been flexing the whole time.  As I said, this was the hardest I have laughed since highschool and really, that makes sense.  This is what would happen if my highschool friends and I never grew up.  If we never matured.  And if we were always wasted.  Like really fucking drunk.  Unfortunately I had to stop watching because one of the discs was missing from the set.
 This show is awesome because it subscribed to the Trey Parker/Matt Stone theory of comedy. Make fun of everything equally and its ok if its inappropriate.  Its always Sunny is the real life version of South Park.  There is no topic they won't tackle.  Its not as satirical as South Park since SP actively will attack religions, ideas, beliefs, whatever but its still approaches relevant issues in a very funny way.  

HOWEVER...Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia cannot be included in my ranking of shows.  It would be like putting Lost in a rankings list with all the seasons of Survivor. Its a completely different monster.

This is what IMDB says about the show in its parental advisory section:

Frequent usage of strong language that includes s--t, b---h, ass, goddamn, hell, etc, none of which are censored on cable TV. These words are said often and openly, and by all characters in the show.

The "It's Always Sunny Christmas Special" episode includes the word f--k in addition to the words above. Again, this so-called "f-word" is used frequently by most characters.

The characters discuss many controversial subjects in a politically incorrect light, such as homosexual behavior, abortion, women's rights, etc. This show isn't for the politically correct types.
Great deal of racist dialogue and discussion. Although the characters are not racists, they buy into every stereotype that they hear and they frequently discuss different races according to their stereotypes. Not a racially responsible show, but none of the discussion is actually racist. 

The characters own a bar, so they frequently get drunk and watch others get drunk.

Characters often drug each other in order for personal gain.

Every character in the show abuses drugs and alcohol; these drugs include glue, weed, cocaine, paint, and various other drugs.

Can you imagine other shows going this route?? Just picture Friends with Paddy's rather than Central Perk.  How about if HIMYM characters got drunk and tried to kill each other or called Ranjit (their cab driver) a terrorist. No, that could never happen.  It wouldn't fly with the networks.  Instead they just get silly, fall down, and slur their words, the typical network TV picture of drunk.

Sunny in Philli uses form of comedy that cannot be attempted by your average Sitcom.  In the same way that Survivor  cannot have a smoke monster or a group of Island inhabitants intent on killing the survivors, regular Sitcoms cannot have characters drop F-bombs, go Jihad on their neighbours or fake their own deaths to avoid their drug dealing, murdering, ex-con father from killing them.

I love this show.  Its hilarious for all the reasons I cannot include it in the list.  I have watched 3.5 seasons of it and I'm definitely not tired of their antics.

I like that Charlie never showers or brushes his teeth.

Best character: Mac (followed closely by Frank)
Best Episode: The Gang Goes Jihad (only from the first 3.5 seasons - I am in the middle of season 4 right now)

Final Vedict:
This show should be watched by anyone with a sense of humour.  If you are overly sensitive about issues of race, creed, gender or any other aspect of humanity please stay out of Paddy's pub.

Now why do I have to rethink my rankings you ask?

Because of this weeks episode of HIMYM.  Season 6 Episode 10 if AMAZING.  I was all ready to write about how HIMYM lost its touch.  How the days of The Play Book, The Bracket, and Legen...dary episodes are gone.  But last night they brought it all back.  Adding the LOST references sealed the deal for me personally but even if you have no idea why 481-516-2342 is a hilarious phone number this was a great episode.  So now I need to watch for a bit longer before the official rankings can be made.


1. Community
2. 30 Rock
4. Modern Family
5. The Big Bang Theory

Tonight I watch The Event and maybe The Walking Dead depending on my work load.
And I thank you very much.

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