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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Its Always the Vice President

When the Vice President accussed Director Sterling in Episode 2 or 3 of being behind the attack on the President I should have known it was him right away.  Its too predictable.

1.  Its always the Vice President.  Didn't 24 have entire seasons where the Vice President was just an evil conniving bastard?  OH YA THE ONE STARRING ALAN DALE aka CHARLES WHIDMORE!!!!!

2.  When is the person first accused ever the one who did it?  That would be too easy.  Can you imagine if House got the diagnosis right on the first try.  BORING!!

3.  The person doing the accusing is normally the one to do it.

Ergo, everyone should have known it was the VP.

This show is starting to piss me off.  Its too much like 24.  I need more to happen in an episode.  Gain some traction.  Have Sean Walker actually sleep.  This is getting dumb.
We need a really solid episode from The Event or I'm getting off the Island.

Tune in later today for my rundown of current sitcoms.

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