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Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Big Basketball Bang

While recently writing my review of this weeks episode of the Big Bang Theory I somehow started writing about the kind of crazy messed up theory that really only has a place on Television Love Affair. It all started when I realized that this is three really good episodes in a row for Big Bang. Its an achievement really. Not because the Big Bang is incapable of good episodes. In fact I clearly like the show a lot, hence the fact that I watch it and review it for the site. But the string of great episodes is interesting because it is like nerds are providing yet another counterpoint to jocks.

When athletes sign long-term contracts, their playing performance tends to suffer. They inexplicably get worse. A recent example is Vernon Wells, the bane of my Toronto baseball fan existence, signed a $100 million dollar contract over 10 years. And then he sucked. I bring this up because, the Big Bang Theory seems to have gone in the other direction. They were signed on for a 3 year extension and have had nothing but good episodes since then. Well done boys, well done.

Specifically, I’m really happy with Raj’s play. Raj’s hilarity used to come often through whispering things to Howard, and Howard saying them outloud. But the show has figured out ways (through social drinking and day dreams) to have Raj interact with women. This coupled with his already pertinent social commentary on various issues in nerd culture make his contribution to the show irreplaceable. If this were a basketball team Raj would be the guy in the starting 5 who really started to show what he is worth this year.

Keeping with the basketball analogy, Penny is the veteran player who has started to slip. She was hampered by an injury this year and her performance has suffered (literally, she broke her leg and had to be written out of a couple shows this year). She is the Brandon Roy of the Big Bang theory. Flashes of brilliance in the past, but now we don’t know what the future holds for Penny. I am really hoping that a writer on the Big Bang staff can pick up the role of the Phoenix Suns training staff and rejuvenate her much like the suns staff were able to rejuvenate Shaq and have maintained Steve Nash into his twilight years.

Other notable mentions in the show are Amy Farrah Fowler and of course our stars of Sheldon and Leonard. Amy Farrah Fowler is 6th man of the year. She is Manu Ganobli. (It should be noted that I am aware that this reference is dated. However, it has been quite some time since I followed basketball on a regular basis so bear with me basketball fans... think back four or five years and all this makes sense.) She comes in with very awesome iChat scenes with Sheldon and the occasional focus in the show. It is fantastic. She gets that comedic offense rolling when she enters the game.

Sheldon is Tim Duncan. He does a few things really well and has been doing them for years. Keep on rolling Sheldon, you will keep making money and your fans happy with some championships (aka good episodes).

Leonard. I don’t know who to relate Leonard to and that stems from the fact that I don’t know basketball well enough. I am consulting with basketball expert @maxmillien as we speak
(no answer on my message to him so I will post my own random thoughts). I think Leonard is Kobe. He is a star player who has adapted his play to suit the needs of his team. Kobe started sharing the ball more last year and they won a championship. That’s like Leonard. There are no championships but Leonard was the focus of the show for a while, relationship with Penny and whatnot he was the star. But he adapted, shared the ball a bit more and not the show is on a great tract. Well done sir. Well done. The trophy in the form of my praise and appreciation is here.

Well that’s really it. For more Big Bang news check out Stuck on A Channel in the next day or so for my review of this past week’s episode.
Keep on dropping them dimes.

Find me @Applesunltd

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My First Satellite Hotstove

When I was a kid Satellite Hotstove was the most boring 15 in the entire world.  It was the time to get up and play mini sticks, go make popcorn, grab a bowl of ice-cream, anything but stay infront of the TV.

For those of you unaware, Satellite Hotstove is the piece that airs in between the second and third periods of Hockey Night Canada on CBC.

The first intermission was great.  It was Coach's Corner.  This was a simple time for me.  Hockey is the religion and for a young kid who wants to be a tough player Don Cherry is God.  I watched Rock 'Em Sock 'Em like it was the bible on tape.  Now I know this is essentially like someone coming out and saying "Ya I always wanted to be a bounty hunter so Dog is my god."  Its insane.  Don Cherry, much like Dog the Bounty hunter is a nutjob.  He is a racist.  I always knew this but as a kid it never quite registered that the way he talked about "those damn Russians" was incredibly prejudice.  But now to hear him speak is just ridiculous. He loves to cry on air about soldiers that have died and complain about whining players.  Still he has a wonderful sense of fashion.

But when it came to the second intermission it was awful.  SOOOOOOOO boring.  To the point where I don't think I have watched a second intermission broadcast in years.  Apparently, after just googling it CBC dropped Al Strachan from the broadcast in 2009.  I was convinced he was still on it.  He went away for a few years but then came back, this time without a moustache.   So its been atleast a year and a half since I have watched a satellite hotstove.  When I was a kid, they used to all be in different cities (hence the name I am assuming) and they spoke about issues going on in the league.  But there was something about it.  It just didn't work.  There was no heated discussion, they just droned on about whatever was happening in the city they were in.  This was not the kind of television I wanted to watch.

I just watched my first Satellite Hotstove in who knows how long and I found it mildly entertaining.  It seems like CBC has updated itself and made the broadcast much more current.  The satellite connection is gone.  There is now a news bench much like every other halftime show in sports and 4 guys discussing the game.  How did Hockey not do this sooner?  Football has always had this as far as I can remember.  Its just the most intuitive way of doing it.

They now have Ron McClean play the Chris Berman role and anchor a panel of "experts" who discuss the game.  Its pretty good.  They are all there in person so they can get heated and really get into it.
But its far from perfect.  They need to drop Mike Milbury.  He's nuts. Atleast as far as I have seen (one show).  They also need some big, yet reasonable personalities... the Keyshawn Johnson of Hockey.  I am thinking Mark Messier.  I also saw Mike Peca on TSN, he wasn't bad.  Get another coach in there, Mike Milbury is not enough if you are really set on keeping him.

Thats all...

Oh wait... its no longer called Satellite Hotstove... now its just "The Hotstove"

Also I can't find an image of the old Hotstove logo.  Its like the CBC wants to delete it from history... or I am making up its existence and it was nothing like this at all...

So... This is me giving my congratulations to CBC for creating an intermission show I actually want to watch.
Keep improving it and maybe hockey will grow in popularity south of the border.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Football Streaming Online

I have been watching football streaming online off of a fabulous website which will remain nameless... but you all know what I mean.

The streaming picks up feeds from god knows where.  Some are German.  Some don't seem to have commercials and just have this weird narration of important events in the previous week's games.

But every week there will inevitably be a moment where the feed cuts back to the people in the booth but they have no idea it is there.  It is very bizarre.  Listening to Al Michaels and Chris Collinsworth discuss what video they want to throw to and show.  They hum to themselves and discuss what types of things they should talk about in the next series.
It is like a look into the minds of the broadcasters.
Just now I saw them discuss whether to do a comparison of Phillip Rivers throwing motion with Michael Vick's  Collinsworth said something about "look at the torque on that arm" in reference to Vick.  I think they are kind of making fun of Rivers.
I can't wait to see the version they actually want to air.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Super Troopers - A viewing blog

Yesterday during Monday Night Football my friend Kyle made a Super Troopers joke.  I did not get it and told him as much, since I have never seen the movie.  Now I don't think that not having seen super troopers is anything like not having seen Anchor Man but he DEMANDED that I watch it.

So here I am.  Watching super troopers.  So far the only thing of note is that this is a "Jersey Shore Production"  I wonder how this company feels about the horrible show that now exists.

1. This movie should be the official movie of Movember.  WHO WANTS A MOUSTACHE RIDE????

2. The line "Bear-Fucker do you need assistance?" made this movie worth watching.

3. This movie would be awesome if one were to be stoned.

4.  I think I've actually seen this movie before.  I've done this once before.  The movie Serenity which is the movie that culminates the show Firefly.  I somehow thought I had never seen it.  That was untrue.  I realized about half way through that I knew the plot and that I had in fact seen it.  Same thing with this one.  But I remember even less of this one.

Final Verdict: This movie was decent.  I recommend it to people who are really high, from Vermont, make maple syrup or anyone participating in Movember.

Sitcoms Part 1 - Rethinking the Rankings

When I woke up this morning I thought I had this list down.  I have been watching sitcoms for the past few weeks trying to decide how to rank the current comedic state of affairs on Network television.  I have laughed, I have been bored, I have been annoyed at how far certain shows I loved have fallen.  I have been amused at slapstick and satire, animation and arguments.  And after all of this I thought I was ready to make a verdict.  This morning I watched an episode of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia and last night's HIMYM to get myself prepped for this entry.  And everything changed.  But lets go back to how this all started...

Kids, in the fall of 2010 I was enrolled at the Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph.  I was living on a student's budget and could not afford cable.  I watched all my shows via downloads and Rogers On Demand Online.  It was actually quite perfect for me.  With a fairly heavy workload from my classes, it wasn't easy to watch shows when they aired.  So with Rogers On Demand Online and the occasional torrent  I could enjoy my shows when and how I wanted.

I started blogging and writing so that the world could be improved by my opinions.  It was a great time.

One day while sitting alone in my kitchen and laughing out loud at "Troy and Abed in the Morning" and the hilarity that is Community I posted on Facebook that Community was the best sitcom right now.  I had read some interesting things online about the subtle humour of the show and started to look for it while watching.  I really enjoyed what I was seeing and it enhanced a show that I already thoroughly enjoyed.  But somehow this post started something major.  It was as though the entire social network jumped on my words.

This is what I wrote:
"Community is the best sit-com right now.  Sorry HIMYM but Neil Patrick Harris can only carry you so far."

The responses were immediate.  3 Likes, 9 comments and people were only partially in agreement.  

There was some support for Community.  

A huge fuck you to HIMYM:

"HIMYM blows :P
NPH is moderately cool.
It's all about Breaking Bad, 30 Rock, True Blood, and that new one from David Simon"

That person clearly missed the point.  30 rock is the only Sitcom on his list.  Treme is nowhere near a Sitcom, I've never seen True Blood but I'm sure its not a Sitcom and Breaking Bad is nowhere near it.

Modern Family received a couple votes of confidence and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia seems to have a large fan base, at least amongst my highschool friends.

I think now is as good a time as any to address Sunny in Philli.  I'll start by telling you how I started watching this show.  My girlfriend had it on DVD, I had heard about it and suggested we watch.  It was fucking hilarious.  "The gang goes Jihad" is an amazing episode.  I laughed so hard.  I don't think I have laughed that hard since highschool.  I was literally buckling over and falling off the couch.  My stomach hurt and the end because my abs had been flexing the whole time.  As I said, this was the hardest I have laughed since highschool and really, that makes sense.  This is what would happen if my highschool friends and I never grew up.  If we never matured.  And if we were always wasted.  Like really fucking drunk.  Unfortunately I had to stop watching because one of the discs was missing from the set.
 This show is awesome because it subscribed to the Trey Parker/Matt Stone theory of comedy. Make fun of everything equally and its ok if its inappropriate.  Its always Sunny is the real life version of South Park.  There is no topic they won't tackle.  Its not as satirical as South Park since SP actively will attack religions, ideas, beliefs, whatever but its still approaches relevant issues in a very funny way.  

HOWEVER...Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia cannot be included in my ranking of shows.  It would be like putting Lost in a rankings list with all the seasons of Survivor. Its a completely different monster.

This is what IMDB says about the show in its parental advisory section:

Frequent usage of strong language that includes s--t, b---h, ass, goddamn, hell, etc, none of which are censored on cable TV. These words are said often and openly, and by all characters in the show.

The "It's Always Sunny Christmas Special" episode includes the word f--k in addition to the words above. Again, this so-called "f-word" is used frequently by most characters.

The characters discuss many controversial subjects in a politically incorrect light, such as homosexual behavior, abortion, women's rights, etc. This show isn't for the politically correct types.
Great deal of racist dialogue and discussion. Although the characters are not racists, they buy into every stereotype that they hear and they frequently discuss different races according to their stereotypes. Not a racially responsible show, but none of the discussion is actually racist. 

The characters own a bar, so they frequently get drunk and watch others get drunk.

Characters often drug each other in order for personal gain.

Every character in the show abuses drugs and alcohol; these drugs include glue, weed, cocaine, paint, and various other drugs.

Can you imagine other shows going this route?? Just picture Friends with Paddy's rather than Central Perk.  How about if HIMYM characters got drunk and tried to kill each other or called Ranjit (their cab driver) a terrorist. No, that could never happen.  It wouldn't fly with the networks.  Instead they just get silly, fall down, and slur their words, the typical network TV picture of drunk.

Sunny in Philli uses form of comedy that cannot be attempted by your average Sitcom.  In the same way that Survivor  cannot have a smoke monster or a group of Island inhabitants intent on killing the survivors, regular Sitcoms cannot have characters drop F-bombs, go Jihad on their neighbours or fake their own deaths to avoid their drug dealing, murdering, ex-con father from killing them.

I love this show.  Its hilarious for all the reasons I cannot include it in the list.  I have watched 3.5 seasons of it and I'm definitely not tired of their antics.

I like that Charlie never showers or brushes his teeth.

Best character: Mac (followed closely by Frank)
Best Episode: The Gang Goes Jihad (only from the first 3.5 seasons - I am in the middle of season 4 right now)

Final Vedict:
This show should be watched by anyone with a sense of humour.  If you are overly sensitive about issues of race, creed, gender or any other aspect of humanity please stay out of Paddy's pub.

Now why do I have to rethink my rankings you ask?

Because of this weeks episode of HIMYM.  Season 6 Episode 10 if AMAZING.  I was all ready to write about how HIMYM lost its touch.  How the days of The Play Book, The Bracket, and Legen...dary episodes are gone.  But last night they brought it all back.  Adding the LOST references sealed the deal for me personally but even if you have no idea why 481-516-2342 is a hilarious phone number this was a great episode.  So now I need to watch for a bit longer before the official rankings can be made.


1. Community
2. 30 Rock
4. Modern Family
5. The Big Bang Theory

Tonight I watch The Event and maybe The Walking Dead depending on my work load.
And I thank you very much.

Its Always the Vice President

When the Vice President accussed Director Sterling in Episode 2 or 3 of being behind the attack on the President I should have known it was him right away.  Its too predictable.

1.  Its always the Vice President.  Didn't 24 have entire seasons where the Vice President was just an evil conniving bastard?  OH YA THE ONE STARRING ALAN DALE aka CHARLES WHIDMORE!!!!!

2.  When is the person first accused ever the one who did it?  That would be too easy.  Can you imagine if House got the diagnosis right on the first try.  BORING!!

3.  The person doing the accusing is normally the one to do it.

Ergo, everyone should have known it was the VP.

This show is starting to piss me off.  Its too much like 24.  I need more to happen in an episode.  Gain some traction.  Have Sean Walker actually sleep.  This is getting dumb.
We need a really solid episode from The Event or I'm getting off the Island.

Tune in later today for my rundown of current sitcoms.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

People From The Future? People From Pluto?

So today is going to be again about The Event.  In fact, I think that the only shows I will review week to week will be The Event and Fringe. Other shows will get touched on.  I will probably write posts on why they are good, why they are bad, how they compare to shows from the past.  But lets be realistic.  The things I have to say about this weeks HIMYM are pretty close to what I would say about it from last week. Its still funny.  But as noted by the wise Spicy Apple, mostly being watched to see what comes next.  I posted on Facebook this week that I think Community is the best sit-com out there right now, only to start a massive row of feedback with one person in agreement, atleast 2 for Its always sunny in Philadelphia and another couple for  Modern Family.   This tells me that I better think about writing a Sit com comparison to settle the debate once and for all.  So If you have a Sitcom that you want me to look at as one of the best (ON TV RIGHT NOW... I will not be looking at shows that are off the air that can be a different post) put it in the comments.

The following piece contains spoilers.  Please do not read if you want to watch The Event at a later date and not know what happened.

Now down to business.  Where are we at with Sean, Layla, The President, Thomas, Sophia etc.  Lets look at the big reveals from Monday.  1st, Vicky's daughter is not her own flesh and blood.  That kills my theory from last time.  But still pretty cool.  For those of you keeping score I am 0-1 at this point on predictions.  However, we find out that Vicky has a heart, that she is getting herself into loads of trouble here.  Look for Vicky to change sides or die by the end of the season.  Dying seems unlikely since she is a mad-hot character.  So unless they go LOST on us and kill her like they killed Shannon, then I'd say change sides is most likely.  She helped Sean and Layla escape, which was an interesting turn of events. I honestly thought she was a cold hearted killer so seeing another side to the character really promotes more character like-ability and attachment.  Which is one of the things I said that The Event will need to do to survive.  So we know Vicky was a contract killer, but she has a heart.

We also learnt more about the Inostranka people.  The crash and Thomas' leadership.  Two really important scenes come out of these back stories I think.  The first is right after the crash, when they find the empty research station (which looks shockingly like a dharma research post) and Thomas says to Simon "They're still using vaccum tubes"  I believe this helps my from the future theory.  There is no reason aliens would have ever used vaccum tubes.  And why would he use the word "still"  Why would aliens evolve their technology in the same way we do?
Furthermore, the scene where Simon hunts down Thomas to New Mexico we see that he has joined the Manhattan project and was instrumental in helping to develop nucelar technology which the Inostrankans need to get home.  Good stuff.  Again, if they are from another planet, why is nuclear technology their fuel source?  We are limited here by what kind of fuel we have.  If they are from another planet couldn't they have a more powerful source of power (I would like to envoke logic from previous SciFi shows.  Naquadria from Stargate, that weird red ball thing from Star Trek.  I know this does not mean that in The Event the aliens would hail from a place where they had some kind of super awesome power source, just that the knowledge it would take to make OUR nuclear power seems likely to come from OUR planet.  Not another. )

The last thing I thought was cool about the episode was the look of extreme anxiety that Sophia had while on the train.  I think the train, or Sophia herself will probably go the way of the plane and Thomas will transfer her out.  But why is she worried.  What does she know that we don't?  Will Thomas keep her alive?  This is why I will watch next week.

In looking up a couple names/things for this post I came across these sources.  Kinda cool.  Both published by NBC but still.

Anyone know why 5314 is important?  I know its Avias 514... but what about the 3?  Post in comments. Maybe its a date?  March 5 2014?  May 3 2014?  Could this be the end date for the show?  Could this be the day of The Event?  I shall think about this and make a concrete theory next week.

Until next week.  Namaste and have a good week.

CommonSenseCool clearly has some well thought out ideas
I obviously like his theory the best.  It is closest to mine.  Altered timeline/future-present shift seem pretty close.  But either way, the Inostrankans cause the event, it involves them, maybe it is their creation, maybe they are here to observe it.
Also I hate shadow government conspiracies.  I hope this show changes my mind.